Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth Nearly $1 Million, Along with 7 Other Coins Valued Over $75 Million USD

In fact, coin collecting is an intriguing field that collects and brings art, history, and money together to create possessions as priceless as those coins. Among these precious tales is the finding of a rare Bicentennial Quarter almost worth $1million. It certainly proves that some coins can be worth much. This article features this extraordinary … Read more

Rare 1976 Bicentennial Quarter Could Be Worth $540 Million Check Your Pocket

The rarest American coins are irresistibly attractive by virtue of their history,1976 Bicentennial Quarter extreme scarcity, and the stories contained within them. Indeed, the premise that a coin worth hundreds of millions of dollars is pure fiction is but the tip of a iceberg in numismatics, which is full of amazing feats like extraordinary minting … Read more

The $3M Bicentennial Quarter and 4 Coins Over $300,000 – Check Your Change Now!

The $3M Bicentennial Quarter and 4 Coins Over $300,000 – Check Your Change Now!

You may not believe it, but the change in your pocket could make you rich. The Bicentennial Quarter, worth nearly $3 million, has appealed to collectors who span the earth; inside are rare coins that go for over $300,000. Some old or uniquely designed coins could be sitting in your pocket and this article will … Read more